Memories Books, i Libri dei Ricordi


Necrologi, Anniversari e Ricorrenze
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Celebrazione del Funerale

Data e Ora: 24/04/2020 ore 15:00

Cabella Ligure (AL )


Dove riposa
Luogo: Cabella Ligure (AL ) - CIMITERO DI DOVA SUPERIORE
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Pensieri di Ricordo (5)
Volpeglino, 26/04/2020 21:35

26/04/2020 ore 21:35

Vi sono vicina con affetto. Sentite condoglianze Patrizia

Scritto da: Patrizia Bedini

Rose and Chuck Eickhoff, 25/04/2020 13:28

25/04/2020 ore 13:28

Words cannot express the emptiness we feel losing Angelo. I remember when we first met he asked me if we like Vino. I didn’t know what Vino was. So he brought us two bottles of wine one dry one sweet. That night we sat on the porch tasting his wine, i’ll have to say it was the best I’ve ever tasted. I don’t drink often but when I have a glass of wine I think of Angelo. We had a beautiful vacation visiting all the sites throughout Italy. It was always nice to come back to the home we were staying at and have our evening visit with Angelo and Alma. They treated us like family and they were our family away from home. My heart goes out to Alma God be with you. Angelo, you were such a kind soul,I know you’re in heaven with God !!!

Scritto da: USA,Michigan

Kelly and Ron Bruce, USA, 24/04/2020 19:18

24/04/2020 ore 19:18

Love has no boundaries and we were blessed that God intertwined our lives with our beautiful friend Angelo. We met him and Alma when we visited Italy for the first time 10 years ago and have remained close all through the years. We were fortunate to have been able to see them twice since, most recently last October. We have so many cherished memories.....Angelo riding on his tractor with a bottle of wine for us, him taking us all on the tractor back in his vineyards, helping him unload the grapes from the days harvest and just sitting out on his steps at the end of each day. We found friendship through hugs, sharing wine, smiles and laughter as Angelo and Alma shared their home and life with us. You see, we spoke different languages and although we never fully conversed, we shared with each other’s joys and lives, it was simple and it was pure. So when I say love has no boundaries, there are really no truer words. It was through God’s hand that we had that we had that love that bounded us together and so much more through these years. We share in this time of grief but also share in the love and memories of this amazing, wonderful man, Angelo Lucarni. We will never stop loving you. Ron and Kelly Bruce

Scritto da: Michigan, USA

Livonia MI , 24/04/2020 16:18

24/04/2020 ore 16:18

Il nostro tempo di persona è stato girato, ma il tuo impatto sulla vita delle mie famiglie durerà a lungo. Farò tesoro del nostro tempo e della tua memoria e mi mancherai sempre. Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, in paradiso.

Scritto da: Dakota Roos

Albignasego (PD), 24/04/2020 06:18

24/04/2020 ore 06:18

Hai terminato il tuo cammino terreno per approdare nella beatitudine del Signore. Continuerò a viverre nel tuo ricordo

Scritto da: Pietro Tacchini

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