Memories Books, i Libri dei Ricordi


Necrologi, Anniversari e Ricorrenze
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Celebrazione del Santo Rosario

Data e Ora: 03/10/2017 ore 20:30

Monleale (AL )


Celebrazione del Funerale

Data e Ora: 04/10/2017 ore 16:00

Monleale (AL )


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Luogo: Montemarzino (AL ) - CIMITERO DI MONTEMARZINO
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Pensieri di Ricordo (1)
Xv wn Nox, 30/09/2024 04:16

30/09/2024 ore 04:16

Winston here from Iowa. I'm always watching to see what newer sites are going up and I just wanted to see if you would like an extra hand with getting some targeted traffic, Create custom AI bots to answer questions from visitors on your site or walk them through a sales process/funnel - I could even make a persona of yourself or employee to field questions about your business. I create/edit videos/images/adcopy, create/revamp/update sites, remove negative listings, the list goes on. I'll even shoulder 90% of the costs, dedicating my time and tools that I've created myself and bought over the years. I've been doing this for over 22 years, helped thousands of people and have loved every minute of it. There's virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at 99 a month. I don't mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand. Brief history, I've been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I'm married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I've built and learned over the years, I can't think of a better win-win. It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I'd love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don't want to pester you. PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief :-) All the best, Winston Cell - 1-319-435-1790‬ My Site (w/Live Chat) -

Scritto da: Genesis Discoveries

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